Drama Club

We offer free drama classes in English to young people aged 14 to 21 years old. Our theatre project with Amt für multikulturelle Angelegenheiten (AmkA) is delivered every week over 6 months by our pedagogues.

You will learn stage methods, will get movement and vocal coaching, engage with scenes and build characters.

Whether you have been living in Frankfurt for a long time or have just arrived, regardless of which school you attend – all newcomers and advanced students with a good knowledge in English are welcome!

How to take part?

Inscriptions for the school year 2024/2025 are now closed. This page will be updated before the end of summer with new information about the next session in 2025/2026. To tell us about your interest, send us an email stating your age, your motivation and maybe a little background about your experience and practice of the English language.