This is a free application.
• Background information about our productions
• Free games and quizzes about our plays
• Vocabulary trainer for the play you visit
• Never miss special programmes (talk back with actors, readings, concerts)
• Get special offers
• Extremely useful: push notification if a performance is cancelled
• Buzz: keep up with the latest news
• Watch videos and view photo galleries of our productions
For the ETF-App Users
For a better performance and new features we are reconstructing the ETF app. Please note that in the meantime, the old app can’t be updated. Thank you for your patience.
Für ETF-App Nutzer
zurzeit wird die App des ETF umgebaut, um Ihnen einen besseren Service zu bieten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die alte App in der Zwischenzeit leider nicht mehr aktualisiert werden kann. Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld.
Should a performance you booked possibly be cancelled, you will receive a push notification.
Students can play vocabulary games against one another.
The ETF will occasionally offer prizes for your students.