An American German Evening

Where better for the English-speaking community to meet than in Frankfurt’s English Theater?

The AmCham Germany, American – German Business Club and Steuben Schurz Gesellschaft request the pleasure of your company for an American German Evening with

Master Class

A play by Terrence McNally with incidental music by Verdi, Puccini and Bellini at The English Theatre Frankfurt


There will be a pre-show reception, then the show Master Class, a theatrical firecracker that brings Maria Callas back to life in all her temperamental, tempestuous glory. Winner of Broadway’s Tony Award for Best Play, this show promises to be a superb, mesmerising and wonderfully funny happening.
Then, after the show, make sure to grab a drink and mix and mingle at our after show reception. You never know who may show up. It’s gonna be a killer good time!

Thursday, 7th March 2013

reception 6.30 pm
performance 7.30 pm
after party 10.00 pm

Ticket € 50,00
(includes reception, performance and after party)


Additional Donations can be transferred to the English Theatre account at Commerzbank AG with a reference Support The English Theatre.
Account Number 33 41 40 100
BLZ 500 400 00


The English Theatre Frankfurt
Gallusanlage 7
60329 Frankfurt/Main

Tel (069) 242 316-20

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