Schools on Stage
- Coaching for teachers
Our pedagogues come to your school as multipliers and teach teachers in providing them with tools of theatre pedagogy. We also provide technical know how.
- Workshops for students on a regular basis
Our pedagogues support the learning process by linking language with real-life e.g. prepare presentations or job interviews. This arrangement can last as long as you need it, supporting single learning units or running the entire school year. You can either book the theatre or have the pedagogue come to your school. Appropriate for all ages.
- Support for schools own theatre productions
Our pedagogues come to your school to support productions. These could entail short scenes in the classroom, to full-scale musicals.
- Invitations to our plays with interview sessions
You can see the play and have an interview with the stage manager and the cast afterwards. In consultation with us shows can also run as morning productions.
- Festival at the end of the year
All schools come together at the English Theatre and are given the opportunity to perform.
This programme is made possible by the generous and continued support from our sponsors: Linklaters, Ashurst and the Margarete Bonifer Stiftung.