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Name the current relationship status between Kendra, Scott, and Jamal.
They are separated and Jamal lives with Kendra.
Although they argue sometimes, Kendra and Scott still live together with Jamal in Miami, Florida
Scott left many years ago and was never really there for Jamal. He wants to rejoin his son’s life though.
Why does officer Larkin refuse to give Kendra information about her son´s whereabouts, but in contrast tells Scott all he knows?
Larkin believes Scott to be his superior.
He bends the rules for the white male colleague he can look up to.
Because Larkin realizes that Jamal´s parents have a right to know.
From Kendra´s point of view: Why does officer Larkin ask about Jamal´s criminal record in such detail?
Because he is prejudiced against African-Americans
Because Kendra hints at past infringements
Because Jamal is a known member of a local gang
Scott uses slang and Kendra reacts aggressively. Choose the most fitting answer why.
She thinks it is unprofessional to use incorrect language and doing so makes him seem stupid
She is angry because she tries so much harder to educate her son properly than her ex-husband.
She does not want her son to pick up this kind of language because she fears he might be discriminated against because of it.
Why is Scott worried about his son exploring his identity as a black person? Choose the most fitting answer.
Scott wants his son to be more like him.
Scott thinks that all black people who act “black” are asocial and criminals.
Scott is worried, Jamal might be discriminated if he starts identifying with Afro-American culture.
Who else besides Jamal was in the car when stopped by the police?
Two white boys he barely knew from his prep school.
His only black friend Al, together with his cousin.
c. Two black kids neither Kendra nor Scott know personally.
Choose the right message portrayed on Jamal’s sticker.
Black Lives Matter
Shoot Cops
Stay Blazed
Why does Kendra say: “Jamal feels like he’s “the face of the race”?
He feels like a forced representative for all black people, because at school he often is the only black student in class.
He sees himself as “the face of the race” because he has better grades and scores than all of the other black students at his school.
Jamal feels that having one white and ne black parent makes him responsible for forging a connection between white and black students.
Why does Scott think that Jamal is walking through his world and not Kendra´s?
Because he thinks that due to his privileged upbringing, Jamal does not know discrimination. In consequence, for Scott discrimination is a result of a certain behavior more than a result of skin color.
Because he thinks that his son is much more leveled and intelligent than his mother. Therefore, Jamal will know how to defend himself and convince others of his talents.
Because Jamal has a much deeper connection to his father. He admires him and looks up to him.
Why is Jamal angry at Scott?
Jamal is angry at Scott for shattering his dreams to be a professional baseball player by telling him how he is missing the needed talent and athleticism.
Scott forbids Jamal to continue playing the guitar and pursuing a career in the music industry.
Jamal is full of anger for Scott because he thinks his father let the family down by leaving both his mum and himself.
What is the content of Scott´s brother´s text message?
A video of their man-crush Dwayne Wade dunking a basketball
A bystander´s video of a police control and the resulting conflict between an armed police officer and a black person
A picture of the provocative sticker on Jamal’s car
Lieutenant Stokes behaves disrespectfully towards the Connors, because…
He had to get up and come in early
He thinks Larkin could have dealt with the situation himself
He judges the Connors for not teaching their son about the risks of being a black person and the proper behavior when confronted with police
How did Jamal get killed?
The officer believes him to have a weapon and shoots in self-defense.
One of Jamal´s friends aims a weapon at the officer and shoots Jamal by accident.
When Jamal slips, one of his friends tries to run away and the officer, being overwhelmed by the situation, shoots Jamal in the head by accident.