A historical mystery play by David Byrne
dates to be announced
Inspired by Yuval Noah Harari‘s A Brief History of Humankind.
Dr. Jacob Bronowski, the mathematician and scientist whose ground breaking series brought popular science to TV, took an optimistic view of human progress. But was he right in his rosy assessment of humanity? Ava, a young research scientist whose career is stalling, thinks not. And when she discovers her Tinder date is Bronowski’s grandson Jamie, she quickly becomes more interested in getting into his grandfather’s house than pursuing any sort of relationship. She becomes fascinated with the materials Bronowski had locked up in his famous secret room and with some nudging convinces Jamie to open this Pandora’s box of his family past, unearthing echoes from across six million years of human history.
Der Mathematiker und Forscher Dr. Jacob Bronowski, dessen bahnbrechende Serie die Naturwissenschaften ins Fernsehen brachte, vertrat eine optimistische Sicht auf die menschliche Evolution. Doch hat er recht mit diesem rosigen Blick auf die Menschheit? Die junge, mäßig erfolgreiche Wissenschaftlerin Ava, meint nein. Als sie in ihrem Tinder-Date Jamie den Enkel Bronowskis erkennt, beschwingt das ihre Romanze maßgeblich. Im Familienanwesen überredet Ava Jamie, die Tür zum großväterlichen Arbeitszimmer zu öffnen. Gemeinsam durchstöbern sie die alten Unterlagen und öffnen dabei unwissentlich die Büchse der Pandora seiner Familiengeschichte. Sie erhalten Einblick in sechs Millionen Jahre Menschheitsgeschichte und in einige düstere Jahre der Familienchronik.
To our “Abo”-Subscribers — we “owe” you a show!
To make up for it, the ETF will be issuing vouchers which you may apply to one of your plays during the Seasons 2022 / 2023.
Thank you for understanding!
„Irresistibly compelling.“ The New York Times
„It’s a daring show that explores history, science and human nature in a way that is mesmerising to watch.“ Broadway