Theatre tours
In the heart of Frankfurt – The theatre city par excellence
Three theatres that couldn’t be more different: The English Theatre works in a balancing act across the English Channel, Die Komödie presents classic boulevard theatre in the centre of Frankfurt and Die Schmiere is the city’s cult satire cabaret theatre.
Sunday, 10 June 2018, 11.00 pm – approx. 2.00 pm
Stages: The English Theatre – Die Komödie – Die Schmiere
Meeting point: Entrance The English Theatre, Gallusanlage 7
A maximum of 25 tour participants can look forward to unique and entertaining yours, in all weathers. They are aimed at all curious people aged 14 and older who want to take a look behind the scenes of Frankfurt’s theatres. The price per tour including advance booking fees is 18.00 Euro (pupils and students receive a 3 Euro discount). ztix GmbH is our partner for online ticketing. The links for ticket purchase therefore also refer to the pages of ztix GmbH.
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