Workshop Application

    * Required Fields / *Pflichtfelder

    **For a 3-hour workshop with one pedagogue the fee is €150,00. This fee only applies to groups of under 15 participants. If there are more than 15 students and exceptionally only one pedagogue is available, a 3-hour workshop will cost 220,00€. In most cases, if you have more than 15 students, two pedagogues will be required. A 3-hour workshop for a group of up to 30 participants with 2 pedagogues will cost €300,00.

    *** Standard times are 10:00 to 13:00, 13:00 to 16:00 or 14:00 to 17:00.
    Other times may be arranged depending on availability.


    The name of your School/Institution* (Name der Schule)

    Phone Number* (Telefonnummer)

    Email Address* (E-Mail-Adresse)

    School Mailing Address* (Adresse der Schule)
    Street, Postal Code,City (Straße, Plz ,Ort)

    Teacher / Contact person* (Lehrer/Kontakt person)

    Email Address* (E-Mail-Adresse)

    Phone Number* (Telefonnummer)

    Number of teachers/supervisors attending the group*

    How many workshops are you requesting?*

    Requested Workshop* (Gewünschte Workshop)

    Introduction to Theatre

    Movement and Blocking on Stage
    Improv Theatre
    Theatre with Impact
    The Shakespeare Sessions
    Workshop on Current

    Requested Date* (Gewünschte Termin)
    (Three options possible)

    Requested Time Slot*** (Gewünschte Zeit)

    Location* (Veranstaltungsort)

    The English Theatre Frankfurt
    Your school / Institution

    Other (please specify)


    Grade Levels* (Jahrgangsstufen)

    Number of students (approximate)*
    (Anzahl der Schüler und Schülerinnen (ca.)

    Age* (Alter)

    Level (Lehrstufe A1-C2 CEFR)

    Number of girls/boys (Mädchen/Jungen)

    Course (Lehrgang e.g."English LK")

    Other information on the group

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